FASTER! BIGGER! BETTER!the survey of approximately 220 signet works, is thus both a special exhibition of our museum itself and a reflection of the art history of the last 50 years. While on the ground floor of atrium 1 a dialogue of themes and content is unfolded among the signet works that fascinatingly displays the various collections, in atrium 2 the themes of movement and dynamics propose relations to the parallel exhibition “die totalstadt. beijing case”. On the upper floor of the museum, the signet works of eight collections will be presented under the aspect of membership in their collections. Varied rooms will display paintings, photography and sculptures under museological aspects, whereby the open structure of the museum will promote communication beyond these areas and the atriums. Together with the works from the 21st century, this re-presentation of the masterpieces of probably the most interesting decades of the last century forms an aesthetic, thought-provoking and not least entertaining lobby for the exhibition of the history of recent art and its collections. ZKM site.